Here’s a list of the credits I have obtained and the classes I have taken at Purdue
Total Credits == 218
Purdue Credits
COM | 11400 | Fundament Of Speech-Honors |
HONR | 19901 | The Evolution Of Ideas |
HONR | 29900 | Paradigm Shifts Biol&Medicine |
MA | 27100 | Several Variable Calc-Honors |
MA | 37300 | Financial Mathematics |
CS | 18000 | Prob Slvg & O-O Prgrmng-Honors |
HONR | 19902 | The Evolution Of Ideas II |
MA | 35100 | Elem Linear Algebra |
MA | 36600 | Ord Differential Eqs |
PHIL | 11000 | Intro To Philosophy-Honors |
PHYS | 17200 | Modern Mechanics |
PHYS | 27200 | E&M Interactions |
STAT | 35000 | Intro To Statistics |
CS | 18200 | Foundations Of Comp Sc |
CS | 24000 | Programming In C |
MA | 44000 | Real Analysis Honors |
PHYS | 34000 | Modern Physics Lab |
PHYS | 34400 | Modern Physics |
STAT | 29000 | Big Data Analysis |
STAT | 29000 | Rising Above The Storm |
STAT | 41600 | Probability |
CS | 25000 | Computer Architecture |
CS | 25100 | Data Structures And Algorithms |
ECE | 27000 | Intro Digitl Sys Desgn |
MA | 44200 | Multiv Anly I Honors |
STAT | 29000 | What Is The Big Idea? |
STAT | 41700 | Statistical Theory |
CS | 25200 | Systems Programming |
CS | 39000 | Data Mining & Machine Learning |
CS | 39700 | Honors Seminar |
ECE | 36200 | Micropro Sys & Intrfac |
MA | 35300 | Linear Algebra II Appl |
MA | 45000 | Algebra Honors |
STAT | 51200 | Appl Regr Analysis |
CS | 35400 | Operating Systems |
CS | 38100 | Intro Analysis Algor |
CS | 47100 | Intr To Artifcl Intlgn |
ECE | 20100 | Linear Circuit Anly I |
ECE | 33700 | ASIC Design Lab |
COM | 21700 | Science Writing & Presentation |
CS | 31400 | Numerical Methods |
CS | 35200 | Compilers Prin & Pract |
ENGL | 10600 | First-Year Composition |
PHYS | 41000 | Phys Mech I Honors |
CS | 42200 | Computer Networks |
CS | 45600 | Programming Languages |
CS | 49700 | Honors Research Projct |
EAPS | 10000 | Planet Earth |
ECE | 43700 | Computer Des&Prototypg |
PHYS | 43000 | Electr & Mag Honors |
POL | 32700 | Global Green Politics |
AP Credit
College | Number | Class Name | AP Class |
BIOL | 11000 | Fundamentals Biol I | Biology |
BIOL | 11100 | Fundamentals Biol II | Biology |
CHM | 11500 | General Chemistry | Chemistry |
CHM | 11600 | General Chemistry | Chemistry |
ECON | 21000 | Prin Of Economics | Microeconomics and Macroeconomics |
ENGL | 23100 | Intro To Literature | Literature |
HIST | 10500 | Global History | World History |
HIST | 15100 | Amer Hist To 1877 | US History |
HIST | 15200 | U S Since 1877 | US History |
MA | 16500 | Analytic Geometry&Calc I | Calculus A |
MA | 16600 | Analytic Geometry&Calc II | Calculus B |
PHYS | 1XXXX | Physics C (E & M) | Physics C |
PHYS | 22000 | Gen Physics | Physics AB |
PHYS | 22100 | Gen Physics | Physics AB |
POL | 10100 | American Government | Government |
STAT | 30100 | Elem Stat Meth | Statistics |
High School Transfer Credit
CGT | 1XXXX | Technical Graphics |
ENG | W1310 | Elem Composition I |
Test-out Credit
SPAN | 10100 | Spanish Level I |
SPAN | 10200 | Spanish Level II |